Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Flood relief for Thailand: Give2Asia

As you may have heard, Thailand is experiencing the worst floods it has seen in 50 years (article, images). Hundreds of people have died, and the country has sustained billions of dollars in damage. As we speak, floodwaters are inundating Bangkok, and the city's main river is expected to overflow soon.

There's an organization called Give2Asia that is facilitating donations towards relief efforts. I checked it out, and based on my limited understanding of such things, the organization seems legitimate. Last year, they made $21 million, only $400K of which went to the company's board and employees. Feel free to check my detective work (2010 financialsall financial documents).

If you'd like to, DONATE HERE.

Belgian "coma" patient was misdiagnosed: actually paralyzed and fully awake


I know this is old news, but read what the patient said about his experience! Horrifying.

When he woke up after the accident he had lost control of his body, "I screamed, but there was nothing to hear," he says.
"I became a witness to my own suffering as doctors and nurses tried to speak with me until they gave up all hope.
"I shall never forget the day when they discovered what was truly wrong with me – it was my second birth. All that time I just literally dreamed of a better life. Frustration is too small a word to describe what I felt."

Protester badly wounded by Oakland police

By all accounts I've heard, the Oakland protests are largely peaceful. The exception I've heard of is - I'm not making this up - protesters have "thrown paint" and police. Spread the word - this can't be tolerated.


More images


Monday, October 17, 2011

Hilarity of the day

If you're over 40 and don't get the reference click here

If you're under 40 and don't get the reference click here

Friday, October 7, 2011

Essential Answers

I thought it would be interesting to start a series of posts I'm going to call "essential answers" - the things that everybody should be able to prove off the tops of their heads, but maybe they can't. That is, the established facts that remain controversial because of pervasive ignorance. I'll post a topic, along with the clearest evidence I've found, and then maybe other people can help me out by giving their perspectives? Also, I'm pretty sure I have a readership of about four, so this might not work. We'll see.

Some topics I'm considering:

  • Climate change is happening, it's a threat to our way of life, and it's our fault.
  • Species evolve according to Darwinian principles of natural selection.
  • The Earth is billions of years old.
  • Most religious texts are self-contradictory.
  • Humans have walked on the moon.